A Guide to the Spring Budget 2024

Key measures announced by the Chancellor in the Spring Budget 2024 are summarised below:        Income tax rates: England, Wales & Northern Ireland (non-dividend income) 2024/25 2023/24 0% starting rate for savings only Up to £5,000 Up to £5,000 0% on … [Read more...]

A Guide to Budget 2021

Budget 2021 - Tax Rates & Allowances   2021/22 2020/2021   £ £ Income tax rates (non-dividend income) 0% lower rate tax – savings rate only Up to 5,000 Up to 5,000 20% basic rate tax 12,571 to 50,270 12,501 to 50,000 40% higher rate … [Read more...]

Tax Free Earnings

Below is a list of tax free allowances that mean you can earn money without paying tax or even declaring it to the taxman. Trading Allowance You can earn income of £1,000 tax free, without even having to declare it to the taxman. If you earn more than £1,000, the allowance … [Read more...]

Salary v Dividend

A popular way for directors/shareholders of small companies to take money out of their company is to pay themselves a small salary and take the rest out in dividends. So for the next tax year (2019/20) what should the salary be set at to ensure a director pays the least amount of … [Read more...]

Expenses Landlords Can Deduct

Expenses Landlords Can Deduct Landlords must pay tax on any profit from their property rental business (although income from property of less than £1,000 a year can be ignored). In working out the profits, expenses are deducted from rental income. To ensure that the landlord … [Read more...]

Private Residence Relief

How Does Private Residence Relief Work? Private residence relief (also called main residence relief) prevents a liability from capital gains tax arising on any gain on the disposal of a property which has been the taxpayer’s only or main residence throughout the period of … [Read more...]

Paying Family Members

Many small businesses, whether incorporated or not, are paying family members for working for the business. However, as a recent case shows, it is easy to make mistakes which can prove costly. The case in question, Nicholson v HMRC, concerned the payment of wages by a sole … [Read more...]

A Guide to Autumn Budget 2018

Philip Hammond presented the Budget on 29 October 2018. A summary of the main measures are: Personal Allowance & Basic Rate Tax From April 2019, the personal allowance will increase to £12,500 and the 20% basic rate tax band will increase to £50,000. Dividend … [Read more...]

A Guide to Autumn Budget 2017

Autumn Budget 2017 Philip Hammond presented the Autumn Budget on 22 November 2017 and set out a number of actions the government will take including more housebuilding. The main attention grabber was that first time buyers will not have to pay stamp duty on homes costing up to … [Read more...]